Cuba Mission Blogs

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Change for the better

It has been decided to change the dates of Cuba Mission 2009 from July to the fourth week in June. We will no longer be traveling in July because the airfare is more expensive and since the team desires to be good stewards of God's money, the change was made.
The team is being hand-picked by God. Based on last night's meeting attendance and by a show of hands, the 2009 team is as follows: 
  • Returning missionaries:  Lourdes (Lou - our fearless leader), Margarita, Beatrice, Elsa, John, Naka, Hannah, Nicole, and myself (Frances)
  • New missionaries: my friend, Tricia, and Nicole's cousin, Briana
  • Naka's friend, Annette, has committed to go but, the new dates for the mission interfere with her work schedule (*Please pray for God to open a door for Annette to go on the trip)
  • Margarita's husband, Carlos, and her son, Charlie (2008 missionary), have been praying about being a part of this year's team but have not yet received confirmation.
During these next few months, the team will be in preparation through prayer and training with the new materials for the mission. Please remember to keep the team covered in prayer during this time. Satan is attacking but, God is prevailing. AMEN and AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that God put a passion in your heart for the Cuban people. I pray that He continues to lead you and your team where He wants you to go.


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