Cuba Mission Blogs

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The time has come

Wow. The day is finally here and I'm not finished packing, yet! LOL!I'm almost done. Last year, I was up with Sun before getting a few hours of Zzzz's before our departure. This year, the team is meeting at Lou's house at 11a. Saturday evening, we will be traveling to Cuba via Tijuana and Monterrey and arriving in Havana on Sunday morning. ***Please cover the team in your daily prayers. Lord willing, we will return, safe and sound, on June 28th, Sunday afternoon.

Over the last couple of days, I have been very aware of the enemy attacks against me. At times it was difficult to block out his evil whispers but, God, though friend's encouragement, brought me through it. My mom has always told me, "Rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus!" Hey, it works.

Thank you for your financial and spiritual support throughout this past year. (Oops...I forgot to update the blog about Havana Nights! Huge success. Over $4,500 was raised! I will blog in detail when I return.) Thanks again to all of the supporters. Your generosity will help to bring so much hope and love to the Cuban people. I am so excited to see the faces of the children when they receive their toys and candy, the faces of the men and women who receive bags filled with soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes (things that are rationed to them by the government), and the hearts changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Bibles, tracts and other literature purchased with monies faithfully contributed by you. I pray God richly blesses you.
